Topper Worlds 2021 entry opens.
ITCA World is very pleased to announce that following the signing of the final details with the Flag Officers of the Royal Cork YC, Ireland, entry for the International Topper 2021 World Championships is now open and is available online here.
ITCA World has been working closely with the whole event team at the Royal Cork YC to deliver a COVID 19 safe event at the famous and picturesque Crosshaven venue. The Club has a large site with a widespread dinghy parking area and ramps to ensure safe social distancing whilst launching. The host venue together with ITCA World has put careful plans in place to deliver a safe event if COVID 19 restrictions are still in place in July.
A COVID 19 cancellation policy and entry fee refund procedure is included in the Notice of Race under Item 7, which can be downloaded here.
Full information on the event, including links for accommodation and travel booking options are now published on the Topper Worlds 2021 event page. Further details and information on things to do in Cork will follow in the next few weeks.
Overseas entries looking to charter boats are urged to enter early and apply for a charter boat soon, as numbers are very limited.
See you on the water in Cork!
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